All applications for the 2025 Pitch Competition must be submitted by 11:59 pm on February 28th.
This is a perfect opportunity to come ask your questions and get help applying. From 6pm - 7pm at the Vernal Innovation Hub
(431 East Main St.)
All applications for the 2025 Pitch Competition must be submitted by 11:59 pm.
All contestants must attend this mandatory meeting. Important information about the preliminary round of the competition will be provided. Mark Holmes (Small Business Development Center) will also provide an overview of best-practices when starting a new business. 6 pm-7 pm at the Vernal Innovation Hub (431 E. Main St.)
Preliminary Pitch Times will be given to each contestant at the Mandatory Meeting. Preliminary judges will narrow down a top 10, who will then move on to the Final Round. Preliminary Round will begin at 9 am at the Vernal Innovation Hub (431 E. Main St.)
Top-10 contestants will compete for prize packages and participate in business exhibit display. 6pm-8:30pm at the Uintah Conference Center (313 E. 200 S.)
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